Book Reviews, Social Media

Are you on GoodReads?

The Mists of Avalon
To give you an idea of what I like to read (It’s an oldie but a goodie!): The Mists of Avalon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for friends to add on GoodReads so you can help me figure out what books I want to read next. That sounds completely self-serving, right? OK, so friend me on GoodReads so can help you figure out what you want to read next! Either way works for me!

I like fantasy that’s not too science fiction-y (that makes total sense, right?) If you have some suggestions for me, please add me on GoodReads and recommend away! Continue reading “Are you on GoodReads?”


10 Day Writing Blogger Challenge: Day 5

Day 5 - 10-day-write-blog-challengeDay 5 Prompt: Show off 3 of your best blog posts (with links!)

As Found on Pinterest, Novel Writing

Story mirrors life

Illustration for "Story of your Life"...
Does your writing reflect your real life? | Illustration for “Story of your Life”, by Hidenori Watanave for Hayakawa’s S-F Magazine. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This morning, I came across a cute plot skeleton graphic on Pinterest, and I couldn’t help comparing it to my novel and my own personal life story. It’s funny how every good story seems to follow this same organizational pattern. Luckily, my novel so far has all of the basic parts. As does my life!

I am currently working my way up to the “bleakest moment” of my novel and am finding it harder and harder to write as I draw ever closer to doing some horrible things to my protagonist. I think part of the problem is that some of the horrors I am about to put her through are drawn from certain incidents in my own life. As I am writing these scenes, I’m personally transported to a time in my life that I’d rather not relive. Continue reading “Story mirrors life”

As Found on Pinterest, Blogging, Digital Marketing

Proper Pinning: How not to irritate your followers on Pinterest

Pinterest featue in Metro - 27th February 2012
Pinterest featue in Metro – 27th February 2012 (Photo credit: Great British Chefs)

In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I kinda love Pinterest. I have tried a ton of new DIY projects and even make my own homemade laundry detergent now on a regular basis. But Pinterest can be as annoying as it is helpful when pinners fail to pin properly. To combat this problem, I have compiled a short quick-list of tips for properly sharing articles on Pinterest to avoid irritating your followers:

1.  Link to the individual blog post, not the blog’s index page.  Continue reading “Proper Pinning: How not to irritate your followers on Pinterest”

As Found on Pinterest, Blogging, Digital Marketing

4 Tips for writing a “Pinworthy” DIY blog post

My latest DIY Pinterest project: Crocheted Handbag by Mandy Webster
This is my latest DIY project: a crocheted handbag recreated from a picture I found on Pinterest.

Has this ever happened to you? You find an interesting recipe or craft project on Pinterest that you want to check out only to click through and find the blog post is missing one or more essential elements required for you to actually be able to bake the goody or make the craft yourself. Or maybe everything is there, but it’s so disorganized, you immediately give up figuring it out and move on. You return to Pinterest without repinning the post. And that blogger just lost an excellent opportunity to see her blog post “go viral.”

If you’re like me, it probably only takes you a few seconds to look over a blog post and decide if you want to repin it. A few minutes ago, I found a blog post on making a “relax bottle” (aka “mind jar“) for counting down a child’s timeout minutes. I love the idea, the pictures are great… but I got to the blog post and couldn’t immediately figure out if the bottles are made using supplies I might already have on hand. And, where are the instructions? There are tons of great pictures, but the how-to part is all over the place. I still wanted to do this project, but I had to go look elsewhere for better instructions. Continue reading “4 Tips for writing a “Pinworthy” DIY blog post”

As Found on Pinterest, Crafting and Hobbies, Health and Fitness

On the DIY bandwagon

DIY Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent Label
This is my homemade powdered laundry detergent. You can download and print a copy of my label (for free) from my portfolio website. Just click the image above to get there.

Hello. My name is Mandy. And I’m a Pinterest addict.

It shouldn’t surprise you that I am on the DIY bandwagon as well. With my son and I each being diagnosed with asthma in the past two winters, I’m especially interested in the homemade cleaning products that are currently making their rounds. I can’t help but wonder if there might be some chemical in our lives that is exacerbating our breathing problems. I’ve always had a bit of a nagging cough in the winter time, but this year, it seems like I’m fighting a never-ending battle to keep bronchitis at bay.

Needless to say, I’ve become very interested in all of the DIY homemade cleaning product recipes I’ve encountered on Pinterest. Many of these recipes call for natural ingredients like vinegar and lemon juice instead of the many unpronounceable chemicals found in most store-bought cleaning products.  Continue reading “On the DIY bandwagon”

As Found on Pinterest, Social Media, Video by Mandy

Win a Kindle Fire with Pinterest

Yesterday, I ran across an interesting article titled, “Kindle Fire Giveaway: Share a Peek in Your Purse on Pinterest” on the SheSpeaks website. I’ve been playing around with video a lot lately, trying to put together several instructional videos for my portfolio, and I thought this would be a fun way to experiment… and maybe also win a Kindle Fire! Here’s my video:

Continue reading “Win a Kindle Fire with Pinterest”

As Found on Pinterest

Stay away from Pinterest

English: Red Pinterest logo
Image via Wikipedia

The other day, I stumbled upon Pinterest. It is awesome. Seriously. Avoid it at all cost.

I mean it. If you are a busy person who does not have time in your life to spare, you need to stay away from Pinterest. It is a huge time-sucker, maybe even worse than Facebook. I can’t get anything done anymore!

Like I could ever get anything done before. Continue reading “Stay away from Pinterest”