Writing Prompts

Creepin’ Cockroaches!

Who’s in the mood for a writing prompt today? Let’s make it 1,000 words of flash fiction. Better yet, if you are writing a novel, set your story in your novel’s story world. And…. GO:

This one happens to be based on a true story. Blech!

Share your 1,000 words of flash fiction based on this writing prompt in the comments below, or share it on your own blog or website and post a link below! Continue reading “Creepin’ Cockroaches!”

Writing Prompts

Wednesday Writing Prompt: Never Lost

300 Writing Prompts
This is my new book of writing prompts.

Yesterday, I mentioned that I had recently purchased a book titled, 300 Writing Prompts and that I would be sharing some of my own attempts at the prompts in this book. Here’s my first little ditty. It’s not very long because I kept it within the allotted space in the book. You can write longer if you like. Please feel free to share your own responses to the prompt in the comments below.

Writing Prompt

When was the last time you got lost? Continue reading “Wednesday Writing Prompt: Never Lost”

Creative Nonfiction, Memoir

Creative nonfiction writing exercise: Your name

As I mentioned in my last post, I am going to be doing a lot of writing this semester in my creative nonfiction course. I am working my way through my first reading assignment and am already coming across small writing exercises that I would like to share with you. This post might turn into a series!

This is my sisters and me. I'm the oldest.
This is my sisters and me. I’m the oldest.

Writing Exercise

For today’s creative nonfiction writing exercise, you will write two paragraphs about your name. The first paragraph should be strictly objective, while the second should be more subjective. In other words, the first paragraph will contain facts about your name. The second will tell what it is like to be YOU while wearing the mantel of your particular name. Here’s an example from Writing True: The Art and Craft of Creative Nonfiction: Continue reading “Creative nonfiction writing exercise: Your name”

Writing Prompts

Wednesday Writing Prompt: A snatched lunchbox

writing prompt meme
I got mugged this morning. He snatched my lunchbox right out of my hand.

Write on this prompt, then share your work on your blog or website. Post a link to the comments below. Continue reading “Wednesday Writing Prompt: A snatched lunchbox”

Writing Prompts

Wednesday Writing Prompt: A Day in the Life of a Shadow Consultant

For some reason, this article gave me a ton of story ideas while I was reading it. For today’s Wednesday writing prompt, choose a title below, or read the article and come up with a new one of your own.

A day in the life of a shadow consultant

  • Life in the Shadowlands
  • A Day in the Life of a Shadow Consultant
  • The Geometry of Sunshine
  • Where Shadows Would Fall

Write a story, post it to your blog, share a link here in the comments.

Continue reading “Wednesday Writing Prompt: A Day in the Life of a Shadow Consultant”

Writing Programs

Wednesday writing prompt: Men are like puppies

How about a flash fiction challenge for today’s Wednesday writing prompt? Write one thousand words of flash fiction on the following writing prompt. Share it on your blog and link to your blog post in the comments below. Don’t forget to go read each other’s stories and provide feedback.

men are like puppies writing meme
Men are like puppies, she realized. It turns out all you have to do is offer up a knowing smile—maybe throw in a raised eyebrow—and the next thing you know, he’s slobbering all over you, begging you to pet him. Perhaps this wouldn’t be as hard as she had once thought it to be.

Continue reading “Wednesday writing prompt: Men are like puppies”

Writing Prompts

Wednesday writing prompt: Mark Twain and Margaret Atwood

Write for fifteen minutes on the following prompt:

meme: If Mark Twain and Margaret Atwood were to get together and write a book...
If Mark Twain and Margaret Atwood were to get together and write a book…

Post your work in the comments below or post it on your own blog and share a link to your blog post below. Continue reading “Wednesday writing prompt: Mark Twain and Margaret Atwood”

Writing Prompts

A Wednesday Writing Prompt

Write  for fifteen minutes on the following writing prompt:

Writing prompt: She refuses to admit she's not okay.
She refuses to admit she’s not okay.

Post your work in the comments below, or share them on your own blog and post a link below so we can read what you’ve written. Continue reading “A Wednesday Writing Prompt”