
And here’s my boring blog post for the day

I’ve been busy with work lately and haven’t had much time for blogging. I’ll be back next week once I’ve settled into this new semester a bit. Until then, I am piggy-backing off The Bloggess today and showcasing pictures of my office, which is way more messy than hers is!

my office
Here’s where the magic happens. Yes, that is the obligatory cat sitting in my office chair. There’s another cat around here someplace, but who knows where. She’ll jump out and attack my feet after I sit down.

The opposite end of my office
And this is the opposite end of the office. We have no storage space inside or outside our apartment, so we have bikes laying around inside the house in random places. There are no books on my bookshelves because I packed them all into boxes when I thought I was moving to Indiana, and I never have unpacked them.
The view outside my office
This picture is really dark, but this is the view from my office/sun room. I’m growing a curtain of morning glories over the window to take the place of the real curtains I got rid of when I thought I was moving.

And that’s it for today. Feel free to join the entire blogosphere (because if The Bloggess is doing it, everyone else will be too by the end of the day!) in blogging pictures of your office. Please share a link to your post in the comments below.


7 thoughts on “And here’s my boring blog post for the day”

  1. I like your skinny sun porch office. I laugh at the things you packed or did because you thought you were moving. We considered moving so I cleaned out the closet, decided if that is what pre-moving was like we could skip the moving bit.

    1. I cleaned out all of my closets and got rid of SO much stuff. On one hand, I needed to clean out the closets anyway. On the other hand, I got rid of a lot of stuff that wasn’t worth moving but would still be nice to have since I didn’t move. At least once a week, I find myself thinking, “Aw, man, why did I get rid of that!”

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